Typesy for Districts
Typesy for Schools
Typesy for Homeschool
Typesy for Individuals
Typesy for Business
Typesy for CTE
About Us
About eReflect
Typesy Team
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Typesy Help
Getting Started Videos
Getting started with Typesy and Clever
Getting started with Typesy and Microsoft
Getting started with Typesy and Google Classroom
Getting started with Typesy (standalone)
Getting started with Typesy and Classlink
Getting started with Typesy Homeschool
Getting started with Typesy Individuals
Getting started with Typesy and Canvas
Getting started with Grading
Getting started with Typesy Pets
Training Videos
How do I add a new user?
How do I enroll users in a class?
How do I import new users?
How do I check student progress?
How do I reset passwords for multiple users?
How do I view class reports?
How do I delete multiple users?
How do I create a typing test?
How do I create a class?
How do I adjust class settings?
How do I assign a teacher to a class?
How to import text material?
How to print student passwords?
Knowledge Base
Typesy EDU
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